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Why Is My Air Conditioner So Loud?

Why Is My Air Conditioner So Loud?

As a homeowner, you may be wondering why your air conditioner is so loud and just what you can do about it. If it’s a new noise you’ve just recently observed, it’s especially important that you get to the bottom of what’s going on. While some noise is okay, there are...

Hail Damage & Your AC

Hail Damage & Your AC

Usually, when we think of hail damage, we imagine the destruction of our roofs, windows, or windshields. But what about our air conditioning systems? Unfortunately, our ACs are not off the hook when it comes to hail. Hail damage is not limited to just cosmetic damage...

Summer Energy Saving Tips

Summer Energy Saving Tips

Sun-drenched weeks are coming. It is time to open your fans and air conditioners to keep yourself from the intolerable heat and humidity that the summer season brings. Here are several summer energy-saving tips to cool your room and make yourself comfortable amidst...